Thursday, January 29, 2009

City mosques reject Islamic formalization

City mosques reject Islamic formalization

Irawaty Wardany , The Jakarta Post , Jakarta | Fri, 01/30/2009 7:54 AM | Headlines

Most managers of mosques in Jakarta embrace a moderate brand of Islam and support the unitary state of Indonesia, a survey released Thursday reveals.

Only a few wish for Indonesia to become an Islamic state, it added.

The survey was conducted by the Center for the Study of Religion and Culture (CSRC) at Jakarta's Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University between November 2008 and January 2009. It surveyed 250 takmir masjid (mosque managers) in Jakarta.

“Some 88.8 percent of the respondents approve of Pancasila [state ideology] and [view] the 1945 Constitution as the best model for Indonesia. As many as 78.4 percent agree that democracy is the best system of governance for Indonesia,” CSRC research coordinator Ridwan Al Makassary told a press conference.

“However, we found a kind of split personality among the mosque managers. As citizens they support Pancasila as the state ideology for the country, but as Muslims they support the establishment of an Islamic country,” another CSRC senior researcher Sukron Kamil said at the same forum.

The survey reveals that 31 percent of the respondents agree that Indonesians should enforce sharia law, 56 percent reject the notion, and 13 percent did not answer.

Some 74 percent said they would not fight a government that refuses to implement Islamic sharia law and 14 percent said they would.

Some 74 percent did not agree that the main purpose of jihad was to wage war, and 15 percent said it was.

“On the question of whether violence is allowed to uphold amar ma’ruf nahi munkar [guiding people to the right path], 89 percent of the respondents reject it, 9 percent agree and the remaining 2 percent are undecided,” Ridwan said.

The study shows 75 percent reject that suicide bombing can be considered jihad, and 9 percent said it was acceptable, the study said.

However, when asked whether the state should have the authority to regulate Muslims’ dress code, a surprising 60 percent of the respondents said they agreed and 33 percent opposed the idea.

Also, 41 percent said they agreed the state should have the authority to regulate religious activities, 50 percent did not agree and 9 percent did not answer.

"Generally, the majority of mosques in Jakarta embrace moderate Islamic ideas and thoughts.

Nevertheless, among the total is a small number with a tendency toward increasing radical Islamic ideas," Ridwan said.

Masdar Farid Mas'udi of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), the country's largest Muslim organization, said mosques were often used by clerics to preach "provocative sermons", particularly aimed against people of other beliefs.

"Mosque preachers tend to create enemies and look for friends, while failing to bridge differences among other groups," he told a discussion at the launch of another study, which would survey mosques in other regions, and in particular those affiliated with NU, which is widely known as a moderate Islamic organization.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Masa remaja dikenal dengan masa storm and stress dimana terjadi pergolakan emosi yang diiringi dengan pertumbuhan fisik yang pesat dan pertumbuhan secara psikis yang bervariasi. Pada masa remaja (usia 12 sampai dengan 21 tahun) terdapat beberapa fase (Monks, 1985), fase remaja awal (usia 12 tahun sampai dengan 15 tahun), remaja pertengahan (usia 15 tahun sampai dengan 18 tahun) masa remaja akhir (usia 18 sampai dengan 21 tahun) dan diantaranya juga terdapat fase pubertas yang merupakan fase yang sangat singkat dan terkadang menjadi masalah tersendiri bagi remaja dalam menghadapinya. Fase pubertas ini berkisar dari usia 11 atau 12 tahun sampai dengan 16 tahun (Hurlock, 1992) dan setiap individu memiliki variasi tersendiri. Masa pubertas sendiri berada tumpang tindih antara masa anak dan masa remaja, sehingga kesulitan pada masa tersebut dapat menyebabkan remaja mengalami kesulitan menghadapi fase-fase perkembangan selanjutnya. Pada fase itu remaja mengalami perubahan dalam sistem kerja hormon dalam tubuhnya dan hal ini memberi dampak baik pada bentuk fisik (terutama organ-organ seksual) dan psikis terutama emosi.

Pergolakan emosi yang terjadi pada remaja tidak terlepas dari bermacam pengaruh, seperti lingkungan tempat tinggal, keluarga, sekolah dan teman-teman sebaya serta aktivitas-aktivitas yang dilakukannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Masa remaja yang identik dengan lingkungan sosial tempat berinteraksi, membuat mereka dituntut untuk dapat menyesuaikan diri secara efektif. Bila aktivitas-aktivitas yang dijalani di sekolah (pada umumnya masa remaja lebih banyak menghabiskan waktunya di sekolah) tidak memadai untuk memenuhi tuntutan gejolak energinya, maka remaja seringkali meluapkan kelebihan energinya ke arah yang tidak positif, misalnya tawuran. Hal ini menunjukkan betapa besar gejolak emosi yang ada dalam diri remaja bila berinteraksi dalam lingkungannya.

Mengingat bahwa masa remaja merupakan masa yang paling banyak dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan dan teman-teman sebaya dan dalam rangka menghindari hal-hal negatif yang dapat merugikan dirinya sendiri dan orang lain, remaja hendaknya memahami dan memiliki apa yang disebut kecerdasan emosional. Kecerdasan emosional ini terlihat dalam hal-hal seperti bagaimana remaja mampu untuk memberi kesan yang baik tentang dirinya, mampu mengungkapkan dengan baik emosinya sendiri, berusaha menyetarakan diri dengan lingkungan, dapat mengendalikan perasaan dan mampu mengungkapkan reaksi emosi sesuai dengan waktu dan kondisi yang ada sehingga interaksi dengan orang lain dapat terjalin dengan lancar dan efektif.

Apa Sih Kecerdasan Emosional

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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Guide To Make The Blogspot Blog

There may be among you, you who do not know about the blog and wonder about the blog, then I'll review a little about the blog version of my own.

1. What is a Blog?

Blog (short for Web log) is a site that is more personal, the more weight to the depiction of the creator of the blog itself.

Blog created by the designers the blog to work automatically and easy to operate, so for us, we are still confused with the programming language to create a website it does not matter. If you can make an email account on the internet, the blog is in making you believe I can.

2. How to create a blog

Like e-mail, create a blog we must also have an account first, so please register your first in the free blog providers (the hosting / domain free blog). Free blog provider is very much on the internet and there are some popular at this time is, and

In the opportunity this time I will be covered in the way of making blog, Please click on the picture below to register.
create a blog now

Once you are on the site, you will see the picture as the image above. Please do the following steps:

  1. Click the arrow labeled "Create YOUR BLOG"

  2. Email Address Please fill in with the email address you (certainly valid)

  3. Fill in your email address again earlier in the form Retype email address

  4. Enter the password you want in the form Enter a password

  5. Fill in your password again earlier in the form Keyik reset the password (the password)

  6. Content Display Name with the name you want to show

  7. Write the text contained in the Word Verification form. TIK its marks / check box on any posts on the edge and I accept the Terms of Service.

  8. Click on the picture arrow labeled "CONTINUE"

  9. Enter the blog title that you want (in the future could change again) in the form Blog Title

  10. Write the name of your site in the form Blog address (URL)

  11. Write any posts that are displayed on the verification form Verification words, if the picture is complete click the arrow labeled "CONTINUE".

  12. Choose an image (template) that you want (in the future could change again), and click the image arrow labeled "CONTINUE"

  13. Once out any posts "Your blog has been iptakan". Click on the picture arrow labeled "FROM POST".Please write you at your convenience, if it is finished click the "MEMPUBLISKAN POST".

3. Content (Content) blog:

For beginners, it is usually confused when they make a list of what to fill in the (post) in a blog. Content (content) of a blog, of course, it's blog kepadasi owners themselves, whether in content like poetry, perjalan life, engineering, or whatever. So here I suggest, fill your blog with interest and expertise hoby or your own, because, of course, outside there are so many people that the same interests and of course its hoby with you, so that they will be interested to read your writings.